I'd love to hear from you!

Please use the linked form below to get in touch with me! Let me know what type of session you are interested in and any other details such as dates, times and preferred locations. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Scroll down more to see answers to frequently asked questions!

Please note that I am no longer booking events and baptisms at this time. I do not offer "stand alone" mini sessions. Mini sessions happen 1-2x per year and are booked back to back. They are announced first on my email list!




What to expect for a typical session:

  1. Contact me: tell me about what you're looking for in your photo shoot and we'll figure out what package, time and location works best for you!
  2. Secure your session: I'll send you a contract for you to sign electronically online, and an invoice where you can make your deposit online to secure your session.
  3. Plan the details: Let me know if you have any questions regarding the shoot location, outfits, etc. I'm more than happy to provide outfit and styling guidance.
  4. The photoshoot: Relax, laugh and enjoy the moment!
  5. Receive your online gallery: Typically you'll receive your gallery within a week or two. Browse the gallery, pick your favorites, and share on social media. Please tag/credit Meghan Werner Photography when sharing online.
  6. Order prints and wall art: You can order prints through your online gallery or through printers of your choice. I'm happy to help you place an order through your online gallery; I use professional print labs to ensure the prints are high quality and color accurate.


What if my baby is delivered early/late?

Babies always come on their own terms! I always require a tentative date for newborn sessions scheduled within two weeks of your due date. This ensures I do not overbook for the month and have plenty of flexibility in case we need to reschedule your newborn session!

Do you travel for photoshoots?

Yes, I do. All session prices include travel within 15 miles of West Chester, PA. There is a small travel fee for every additional mile traveled beyond 15 miles of West Chester.

Do you require a deposit?

Yes, half of the session total is due at booking as a deposit. The other half is due the day of the session.

What if it rains?

I keep a close eye on the weather for any outdoor shoots. If the weather is not cooperating I will make every effort to reschedule. I've never had a client completely cancel a shoot due to weather!

Do I have to order prints through you?

No, you are free to order prints from wherever you choose. Although, if you order through the online gallery I provided, all orders will go through high quality professional print labs.

What is your studio like?

A studio option is available for newborn, portrait and maternity photos at no additional cost. The studio is a bright & airy, staged room in my home located in West Chester, PA.

What should I wear?

Every client who books with me receives a style guide about my recommendations about what to wear and what colors photograph best. In general, light & neutral colors photograph beautifully! Earth tones are a fan favorite for me. I recommend picking a color palette instead of matching shirts or prints.

I also provide a client wardrobe! All my clients have access to my curated selection of dresses. You can find an index of dresses under "client closet".

Will my kids listen to your direction?

When there are young children involved in the photoshoot, I always make it as fun as I can to keep the session engaging for them! I always follow their lead. As a mom of 3 and former preschool teacher, I know that kids will be kids and the best shots always come from the seemingly chaotic moments!

Do you have a second shooter?

Yes, I have a second shooter/assistant available as needed. Typically a second shooter is only used for large events and weddings.